Thigh Flaps


The Gracilis flap, also known as the Transverse Upper Gracilis (TUG) flap, and the profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap, are breast reconstruction techniques that uses tissue from the inner thigh to create a new breast mound after mastectomy. The procedure involves transferring tissue from the upper inner thigh to the chest. In the Gracilis or TUG flap, skin, fat, and the gracilis muscle are transplanted. The PAP flap is a perforator flap that does not require the harvest of the gracilis muscle. These flaps are particularly useful for women who do not have enough abdominal tissue for other types of flap reconstructions or who prefer to avoid implants. The thigh flaps offer the advantage of using the patient’s own tissue, resulting in a natural look and feel. The procedures offer a natural and long-lasting solution for women who are not candidates for implant-based reconstruction or prefer to use their own tissue.

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    Benefits of Thigh Flap Surgery

    Both PAP and gracilis flap surgery offer several benefits, including a natural-looking and feeling reconstructed breast using the patient’s own tissue. Additionally, the surgery may provide the added benefit of contouring the inner thigh, similar to a thigh lift. It is a good option for women with insufficient abdominal tissue or who have had previous abdominal surgeries. The PAP flap does not include muscle, and the gracilis muscle is expendable. Thus with either flap there is minimal functional loss at the donor site, making these flaps a viable and effective reconstruction choice.

    How Thigh Flap Surgery is Done
    Who Thigh Flap Surgery is For

    How Thigh Flap Surgery is Done

    The surgeon makes an incision along the upper inner thigh to harvest the skin, fat, and in the gracilis or TUG flap, the gracilis muscle, along with the associated blood vessels. This tissue is carefully detached and transplanted to the chest, where it is shaped to form a new breast mound. Microsurgery techniques are used to connect the blood vessels from the flap to those in the chest, ensuring the tissue remains viable. The incisions in both the thigh and chest are then closed with sutures.


    Who Thigh Flap Surgery is For

    Thigh flap surgery is suitable for women who have undergone a mastectomy and seek a natural-looking breast reconstruction using their own tissue. It is particularly beneficial for those who do not have enough abdominal tissue for other flap procedures, such as the DIEP flap. Women who prefer to avoid breast implants, but have had previous abdominal surgeries, like a tummy tuck, may also be good candidates.

    Surgical Process

    The treatment process for thigh flap surgery begins with an initial consultation with your plastic surgeon to discuss goals, options, and potential risks. The surgeon will assess the patient’s thigh tissue to determine suitability. On the day of surgery, general anesthesia is administered. The surgeon makes an incision in the upper inner thigh to harvest the tissue and blood vessels, which are then transplanted to the chest. Microsurgery is used to reconnect the blood vessels. The incisions in both the thigh and chest are closed, and the patient is monitored in the recovery area.

    Surgical Process 2 Gracillis Flap
    Surgical Process 3 Gracillis Flap

    Q: What is the recovery time after Thigh flap surgery?

    A: Most patients can resume normal activities within six to eight weeks, but full recovery and final results may take several months.

    Q: Are there risks associated with Thigh flap surgery?

    A: Risks include infection, bleeding, flap failure, and complications related to the donor site. Choosing an experienced surgeon and following post-operative care instructions can help minimize these risks.

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    Before & After

    DISCLAIMER: Before and after results are NOT a guarantee that your results will be the same or similar. Each patient’s results will be different. Your results will vary from other patient’s results.